Beauty Cellulite Courses Ice Body Sculpting Wellbeing Wood Therapy

What is thermogenesis?

what is thermogenesis

The thermogenesis process occurs when skin receptors stimulate the nervous system when exposed to cold. Restoring the body to normal temperature by accelerating a rapid metabolism will generate heat and fat burning, as well as a number of health benefits. 

To activate this natural process, we are using Ice Body Sculpting Lotion. This frozen lotion is an organic mix of clay and herbs, should be applied repetitively and effectively, and will result in inch loss, cellulite reduction, detoxification, firmer skin, fat dissolving, and body contouring.

It is a non-invasive alternative to fat dissolving injections, or liposuction, without side effects, while targeting a larger area. It can be done as a treatment on its own or in combination with Wood Therapy, Vacuum Therapy, LPG, or other body contouring body treatments. 

Thermogenetic properties increase the level of adrenaline, a hormone that stimulates fat cells to release their content into the bloodstream, while boosting your client’s metabolism. Frozen sculpting lotion absorbed thru the skin will immediately start to break down, and shrink suborns fat cells, in the area around the abdomen, buttocks, arms, and thigh area. It can be used to remodel and relocate the fat.

It is important to understand that this treatment is not for everyone, the ice body sculpting specialist will advise upon consultation which treatment and product are best suitable for the client’s concern and body type. 

Since everyone has a different metabolic rate, results will vary from client to client. For the best results, we recommend following a healthy balanced diet and active lifestyle.

If you wish to become a certified ice body sculpting therapist contact us for more information.